
New Information Regarding Megafauna Exinction

It would appear that megaloceros (Irish Elk or Giant Deer) survived longer than previously thought. Until recently scientists believed that the creatures went extinct at the end of the last ice age, about 10,000 years ago. Recent finds in the Urals however have allowed scientists to move that date ahead by about 3,000 years. This proves that life is more resilient than we would think.

In fact scientist had long thought that the woolly mammoth died out also about 10,000 years ago. That wisdom was however proven wrong when skeletons of mammoths were unearthed on Wrangell Island that dated to only 4,000 years ago. This means that when the Egyptians were building the great pyramids, there were woolly mammoths on Wrangel. In fact, rumors persisted until as late as 1918, that Russian steppe nomads were still encountering and hunting lone examples of woolly mammoths in Siberia. In fact, they still to this day have a word in their vocabulary for them that roughly translates to "mountains or meat". Ramon Lista explored the Amazon basin in the 1800's and reported sightings of megatherium (giant ground sloth) and glyptodons (giant Armadillos).
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