
The Duellfer Report

Kerry supporters like to point at the Duellfer report as some sort of smoking gun that indicates indeed that Saddam did not have WMD's. My question is this, "have any of you actually read any of the report or are you just taking your party's word for its contents?"

The linked document is the key findings summary. It's rather telling in and of itself. I'm in the process of reading through the full 1,000+ page report in its entirety. Perhaps I'll post my more detailed analysis in a few days when I finish reading it.


Blogger gecko said...

Dude, you have waaaaay too much time on your hands!

10:28 PM  
Blogger G-Man said...

Not a biggie, I read fast. Just to give you an idea how fast; when I was in the army I pulled a gig in the Squadron Operations Center for a while. Our shifts were 24 hours on, 48 hours off. I would go through 2 or 3 books a night when I was pulling my shift (and still managed to get the work done).

12:46 AM  
Blogger The Cassandra Page said...

The Democrats will treat this report the way they treat everything else. Spin, Spin, attack, spin some more, blame both sides, spin, spin, attack, lie, etc. It is like a broken record.

For some perspective on what to expect in the final 9 days of the campaign and how to respond to surprises from the Democrats and/or terrorists, check out The Final Week.

8:35 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

"The Democrats will treat this report the way they treat everything else. Spin, Spin, attack, spin some more, blame both sides, spin, spin, attack, lie, etc. It is like a broken record."

The Democrats, the Republicans, they are all the elite. And they are playing us like a fiddle. Stop believing such crap. Turn off your TV sets and start thinking for yourself. We live in a country where there is parasitic elite stealing money hand over fist from the everyday Joes. Bush is a lying sack o' as is/was Clinton. We need real change in this country and we, all of us, need to unite to oppose them. They keep playing divisive issues so that we won’t, but they are bringing us down.

9:56 AM  
Blogger G-Man said...

The Democrats, the Republicans, they are all the elite. And they are playing us like a fiddle.

Looking at your blog posts, you would appear to be a Stradivarius.

Stop believing such crap.

The Duellfer Report is crap?

We live in a country where there is parasitic elite stealing money hand over fist from the everyday Joes.

And John Kerry's an "everyday Joe"?

Bush is a lying sack o' as is/was Clinton.

You've failed to mention Kerry in that list as well!

We need real change in this country and we, all of us, need to unite to oppose them.

How is a return to the standard worn down policies of the Democrats "real change"? If you truly want real change go vote for a candidate from one of the lesser known parties, that's real change! Putting a card carrying Democrat in office is simply a return to a prior existing state and not the initiation of a new or novel state.

11:47 AM  
Blogger Ken said...

What you are asking, in a very snide and condescending way, is a very good question. Why, when the Democrats are corrupt as well, would I be backing Kerry? Well that of course is complex, I’ll just say that I believe the Kerry to be less corrupt and less in the pockets of the elite than Bush. When Kerry is elected I will no doubt be in opposition to him.

1:22 PM  
Blogger Ken said...

One last thing, at least a Kerry administration will have a modicum of competence in something other than buck passing. Listen to the fools this morning trying to explain away how 760,000 pounds of explosives were lost in Iraq.

1:40 PM  
Blogger G-Man said...

Oh, you mean those explosives that were already missing when the army first arrived at the site during the initial invasion?

1:26 PM  
Blogger Angela said...

G - I talked briefly about this today here.

5:19 PM  
Blogger (((Thought Criminal))) said...

Someone needs to convert the Duelfer Report from .pdf to .html format, with embedded hyperlinks so we can more easily point to each specific material breach of each relevant UN Security Council resolution found in Iraq's WMD programs.

Or we can just ask of our debate opponents "which UN Security Council resolution has Iraq been found to be in compliance with?"

The Reader's Digest version answer - "Not a damned one of them."

6:04 PM  
Blogger (((Thought Criminal))) said...

Something interesting.

7:21 PM  
Blogger G-Man said...

The Duellfer report has been heralded by the Democrats to be this panacea of condemnation for the President's WMD claims. In fact, if you take the time to read it, it is exactly the opposite! In fact it proves exactly what your linked article claims and further explains that Saddam had hardly given up on amassing WMD's. In fact he invested inordinately large sums of money into building up his capabilities so that as soon as the French, Germans and Russians got the UN off his back, he could whip back into production in high gear.

This is not all that he was up to. Indeed he was also strengthening his missile capabilities so that he could deliver these weapons at greater ranges.

The Duellfer report is also a glaring condemnation of the effectiveness of the UN sanctions, which by the time we invaded had been degraded to the point of being ineffectual, mainly do to the abuse of the oil-for-food program and orchestrated by Kofi Anan (he held the purse strings), the French, the Germans, the Russians, the Chinese and the North Koreans. All of this goes to prove that the Democrat's claim of "we should have given sanctions and inspentions more time to work" is ludicrous!

8:46 PM  


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