
Santorum Returns Rome

Tired and too broke to continue, Rick Santorum has decided to abandon the fray in Florida to the squabbling frat boys Mitt and Newt. Personally, I think this is quite sad. Rick hasn't descended into this prepubescent battle of egos that Mitt and Newt have. I fear that this ego-fest will end up only feeding ammunition to Obama in the end.

If we allow Rick to pass from this competition we may well be tossing out the only opportunity to have a viable candidate in the general election that hasn't been fundamentally damaged by the primary. We should consider this carefully. The professional political establishment is enamored with Romney because they believe him to be the "most electable" but this childish fray may well endanger that.

Now I want to be absolutely clear... I will wholeheartedly support whomever garners the final nod to become Obama's competitor, but I do have my preferences. If I had to enumerate those preferences they'd look something like this:

1.) Rick Santorum
2.) Newt Gingrich
3.) Mitt Romney
4.) Ron Paul
99,998.) A randomly selected microscopic nematode
99,999.) The mold colony I recently found in the back of my refrigerator
10,000.) Barack Hussein Obama

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