News Round Up 1/24/2011
See I told you that Obama has been precisely tailoring his campaign and setting the stage to attack Romney. Here you see his co-conspirators in the mainstream media setting up that argument... That is precisely why we should throw Obama off his game plan and put forward anyone -but- Romney as his opponent this fall.
Article: Marine to serve no time in Iraqi killings case
I've always believed it appropriate that SSG Wutterich not serve any time. What he did in that deadly moment was attempt to protect the lives of himself and his fellow marines. His squad had come under attack and suffered casualties and at a time like that you can't be second guessing your instincts. Is it unfortunate that civilians were killed? You bet, but where does the blame lie, with the troops attempting to defend themselves or with the terrorists who decided to place those civilians in the crossfire? I contend it lies with the terrorists.
Article: U.N. envoys slam Russia for selling weapons to Syria
Seriously who takes the UN serious any more? Why do we even pay into that train wreck? Why pay over four times as much into the coffers of that organization and what tangible good has that investment bought us? In this time of harrowing budget over-runs we should seriously do a cost/benefit analysis.
Moving on along. I do not trust the Russians. I have never trusted the Russians and my experiences along the East German border (when one still existed) only served to reinforce those sentiments!
Article: Wis. governor fights recall with out-of-state cash
Let's face it, unions serve no practical modern purpose. Sure they had a time and place where they were essential... back in the robber baron era. But any valid cause that they fought for then is now firmly ensconced in federal law and bureaucracies. I mean OSHA, minimum wage laws, etc... The only purpose unions serve now is to ensure their own existence by perverting our political system with money extorted from those they claim to serve. Unions have scorched or governmental budgets at every level from local to federal. They've also driven manufacturing jobs abroad to more reasonable labor markets. If you've met a high school graduate that can not find a job, thank your local union representative. Why should a worker who does not wish to be a member of a union be forced to pay union dues if they want to work in a unionized shop? Why should they be forced to support the political candidacies of candidates they do not agree with? Liberals like to tout "free choice" when it comes to murdering the unborn, but not in the workplace.
Article: Strongest solar storm since 2005 hitting Earth
Labels: Amateur Astronomy, Commentary, Current Events, Election 2012, military, News Round Ups, Preparedness, Self Sufficiency, UN, Unions
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