Where are you now?
In Egypt the secular military has unseated the muslim brotherhood backed president because he asserted himself as a tyrant and condoned attacks against Coptic Christians. The military has cracked down on the muslim brotherhood and has been working on putting down their violent protests in the streets. Our president has come out on the side of the muslim brotherhood - a group FIRMLY connected to al Qaeda. They are a group who seeks to install sharia as the governing system in Egypt. They are also the group that spawned Ayman al Zawahiri, the current global leader of al Qaeda.
In Syria, it is claimed that a chemical weapons attack has occurred. There has been strong evidence that one three separate instances in the past, these attacks have been staged by the al Qaeda forces opposing the Assad regime. Again, Obama has come out on the side of al Qaeda.
John Kerry stood in front of a camera citing this dubious evidence of WMD use as the justification to attack a foreign country. Military planners are preparing plans to carry out the president's threat to attack and we've been told to expect actions "sooner rather than later".
When George W. Bush sent his secretaries out to justify an attack on a foreign country using the specter of WMD's, liberals lined up to scream foul, yet they are now absolutely silent now. Where are they now? Have they lost their voice? Clearly their convictions are based solely upon the party affiliation held by the occupant of the white house.
I told them then and I'll reiterate it now - the time to speak is BEFORE American blood is spilled because once it is, we must support our sons and daughters deployed into harm's way.
I'm speaking now. So should you.
Where are you? If your outrage was indeed truthful then the fact that Obama is a democrat should not alter your convictions.
George W. Bush sought and received Congressional sanction for his actions in Iraq. That was not enough for you. Obama seeks no such sanction, as he has done many times before, he has decided to rule by fiat. Yet that yields no ire from you?
The formula is so simple, The situation is so clear and easy to adjudicate. In Syria a tyrant who hates America and wants to kill Americans (in fact he already has killed quite a few) is killing people who hate America and want to kill Americans (and in fact they too have already killed quite a few). Are you gullible enough to believe that if we help one side or the other that they will hate us less? Their hatred is based solely on the fact that we are not muslims and until that changes (and we have to be the right "flavor" of muslims BTW) we will remain hated. No all it will do is further inflame the other side against us.
We are handing these people weapons. Congressional testimony has shown that the attack in Benghazi in fact was fueled by the local al Qaeda group's (Al Qaeda in the islamic Maghreb) desire to acquire hundreds of man-portable surface to air missiles that the Obama administration had collected from Qaddafi's left-over stockpiles and intended to funnel to the al Qaeda elements fighting in Syria. It appears al Qaeda didn't like the price Obama was asking and simply took the weapons. That's the secret he was hiding during the election by the way, the fact that he'd lost HUNDREDS of missiles that can take an airliner out of the air far easier than they can engage a combat aircraft that has counter measures against such weapons.
How does that work? Obama wants al Qaeda to have weapons, MILITARY weapons. He sends weapons to murderous Mexican drug gangs - MILITARY weapons but he doesn't want law abiding American citizens to have weapons that just LOOK LIKE military weapons? On this point the anti-weapon left is also silent.
What do you think will happen to these weapons once al Qaeda is done using them against Assad? Do you think perhaps they will glibly hand them back to Obama?
I am left to ask "Where are they now?" Where are the vocal anti-war protesters? Where's hideous old Cindy Sheehan and Code Pink? Obviously they're just against Republican wars, Where are YOU? Where is your moral outrage at the very same transgressions that inflamed it just a few years ago? Shame on you and shame on your feigned outrage.
My friends let me reiterate the situation. There are people who hate us and want to kill us and have killed us killing EACH OTHER. The only LOGICAL response is to do nothing but pray for a VERY high body count! STAY OUT OF IT! It is not worth a single drop of precious American blood or a single slim dime of treasure to prevent it. In fact that would be counter productive.
Obama, why do you back militant Islamists and al Qaeda endangering your own people?
Labels: Commentary, Current Events, Liberal Morality, Middle East, Militant Islam, military, Politics, The New USSA
Perspective for Superbowl Sunday
Rest in peace Chris.
Labels: Current Events, military, Military History
Hypothetically Thinking
That got me to thinking. If there were such a hypothetical uprising, the split would fall very much along political lines. It would be left versus right. Now, if we start protracting demographics, where do those folks live? Well the leftists live primarily in dense urban areas and the right lives predominantly in the rural areas. Sure there's your odd outliers, but by and large that's how it breaks down.
During the civil war it broke down very much along those same lines... The agrarian south versus the industrialized north. The industrialization of the north is primarily what allowed the north prevail. They were able to crank out more cannon and rifles. Now however comes the big but... (...and this is where those who claim the Civil War as a corollary are incorrect) If we compare things from now to then the division urban to rural is far more stark.
A modern city requires a far larger expanse of rural land to provide the food, power and water to support it than a Victorian era city. The majority of that land is presumably (based upon the prior assumption of demographics) populated with their rural "enemies".
So then by extension we'd have large numbers of pampered urban leftists who can no longer drive down to the local Whole Foods to buy their arugula and tofu and stop at Starbucks for a Joe, suddenly being forced to eat their cats in darkness and wash it down with a few drops of water scavenged from the toilet tank (or worse).
During the civil war, there were enough rural areas encompassed in the north to support the population of urban areas (although not without some noticeable hardship), but the cities these days have grown far larger and far more densely populated and therefore they require a likewise far larger supporting rural area.
These facts are something our smug, elitist, urban brethren have not thought about when they point their manicured finger at us in derision and snidely call us "rednecks" who live in "fly-over country" in that signature, liberal nasal whine.
We've already seen how adverse to hardship these people are. In WWII we lost well over 10,000 men on a single day (June 6th '44) and still we stood fast and fought on. In Iraq, we hadn't hardly lost a dozen fighting men before they were screeching "retreat!!!". Rural folk just tend to be far more hearty by nature. We farm and hunt and fish...
So how much deprivation do you think it will take for them to cry uncle? Or am I thoroughly off base with my assessment of the hypothetical situation?
Oh and one final point which I forgot. The bulk of that industrialization that existed in the urban areas during the Civil War that facilitated the north's victory... Well that's been all shipped overseas to China or other such low cost labor areas and they are unlikely to extend more credit to a disintegrating United States.
I'd be interested in hearing your theories an speculation about such a hypothetical uprising.
Labels: Commentary, Current Events, Liberal Morality, Politics, RKBA, Self Sufficiency, Solidarnosc, The New USSA
Read at your own risk...
Dasvidaniya (до свидания)
Labels: AK-47 Build, Guns
Carney on the Leaks of Classified Info
When asked about it, Jay Carney, Obama's press secretary, said that it was "preposterous to suggest" that the White House was involved in the leaks
When I heard that it reminded me of someone else from a few years back...
But then again he always reminds me of ol' Baghdad Bob.
Labels: Commentary, Current Events, Election 2012, Liberal Morality, The New USSA
Today's Eclipse
Labels: Amateur Astronomy
Damn I Miss This Man!
Those words are every bit as true today as when they were first uttered. Sure some of the names may have changed, but the principle is still every bit as sound. Whoever put this together, thank you!
Labels: Election 2012, Liberal Morality, military, Solidarnosc, The New USSA
News Round Up - 2/28/12
Labels: "Occupy" Movement, Commentary, Election 2012, Liberal Morality, Self Sufficiency
The Ohio School Shooting
Labels: Current Events, Liberal Morality, RKBA
Yeah Right!!!!
Labels: Election 2012, Voter Fraud
Big Brother

Congress passed a bill, the FAA re-authorization act, and Obama has signed it into law. On its face that seems innocuous, but the law instructs the FAA to develop plans to allow for the operation of 32,000 drone aircraft in the skies over the United States. The same kind of remotely piloted aircraft that has been used to covertly observe and rain Hellfire missiles onto the heads of islamic terrorists around the world. To put this in perspective; on 9/11 only about 4,000 aircraft of all kinds (commercial, private and cargo) needed to be grounded. For some reason, the United States government foresees the need to fly eight times that many covert surveillance aircraft in our "friendly" skies as were in the air on 9/11. Inquiring minds wish to know, to what end?
Labels: Current Events, The New USSA, Threat Assessments
News Round Up - 02/09/2012
Why do today's "teachers" (and I use that term VERY loosely) insist on not being held to any kind of standards? Even a pimple faced kid flipping burgers at McDonald's is held to standards, but teachers for some reason feel they are above all of that. We have spent and spent until we are blue in the face trying to better our children's education. We spend more that every other nation (except Switzerland) and yet our results are lack-luster at best. Yet every time you mention the poor performance, money is brought up. Teachers of course like to point the finger everywhere except where it should be pointed... at the person who is paid to do the job of educating our kids. I am sick and tired of having to un-teach some bogus thing my children have been taught at their so-called places of learning. You would think that an English teacher would know simple things like the difference between "who's" and "whose" or "to" and "too". It's shameful.
Labels: Commentary, military, News Round Ups, Politics, Unions
News Round Up 02/08/2012

Article: After Rick Santorum's Sweep, How Worried Should Mitt Romney Be?
Article: Pregnant Teen Shoots Intruder Through Doggie Door
Score another point for the second amendment. You know all those statistics that liberals like to toss around about the number of gun related deaths actually contain these sort of people; criminals breaking into people's homes who deserve to be shot. There's no way to prove how many lives are saved each year by these sorts of self-defense actions. Well heck, if the liberals can claim jobs "created or saved"... why can't we use that same sort of "logic" when discussing gun violence?
Labels: Election 2012, military, News Round Ups, RKBA, Science, Veteran Slander