News Round Up 2/1/2012
Article: Romney: Campaign 'Not Concerned About the Very Poor'
We'll ignore the fact that they've taken this quote utterly out of context as I'm sure that's been covered profusely elsewhere. We have no "very poor" in this country. What we consider "very poor" here is living in the lap of luxury in most other places around the world. I've been to Africa and I've seen those who were truly "very poor". We are utterly mollycoddled and the sad thing is we don't even realize it. Here's a related post.
Article: First lady pushes Jay Leno to eat healthy foods
Why must this hulking, gauche, nouveau riche hag show her face everywhere. Can't she just be satisfied to sew utter terror in the hearts of the white house staff rather than inflicting herself on us all of the time?
Article: Indiana joins right-to-work ranks, gov. signs bill
Labor unions have out lived their usefulness. There was a time when they served a valid function, back in the robber baron era. Now all of the valid functions that they once served are so firmly ensconced in federal law/bureaucracy (i.e. minimum wage/OSHA/MSHA, etc,,,) The ONLY purpose labor unions have now is to provide for their continued existence by using monies extorted from the people they are supposed to serve to pervert our political process. Everyone complains about Washington's cozy relationship with "big business"... The cozy relationship with big labor is just as deleterious!
Article: Panetta: US combat in Afghanistan to end next year
Moronic! They've just made an appointment to hand the place back to the mujhis. Why have all of our best and bravest sacrifice their blood and toil if you're just going to squander it in the end? Liberals should NEVER command troops. They hardly ever serve (our military is MOSTLY conservative - so stuff that in your pipe and smoke it). They just haven't the experience to successfully command troops at war and CERTAINLY NOT the spine!
Labels: Election 2012, Middle East, military, News Round Ups, Police Malfeasance, The New USSA, Unions
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